Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We are on TV9 Buletin Utama

U are what you eat!













Thursday, May 24, 2012

On the news again!

More One COM news at here

How PEMF Therapy impacts Professional, Olympic and Recreational Athletes

Bioelectricity and electromagnetism form the basis of all life. Metabolism, growth, regeneration, healing, etc. are produced and regulated by electromagnetic mechanisms. The electromagnetic potential of the nerve and muscle activity and their secondary metabolic and energetic effects are fundamentally essential for a healthy metabolism. Healthy tissue structures can only be formed and upheld in the presence of sufficient electromagnetic activity.

PEMF Therapy induces a wide-band electromagnetic field with an intensity matching that of natural biological systems, and thus improves the energy level without any side effects. Through a multitude of physiological processes, like improved circulation, increased oxygen partial pressure in the blood, antitraumatic and anti-swelling effects, as well as activation of the synthesis of certain proteins, the body’s natural healing and regeneration powers are increased by at least 30%. Quick regeneration has become one of the deciding factors in sports competitions today, where a fraction of a second can matter. PEMF Therapy before and after athletic activities provides the following advantages for the athlete:
  • Improves regeneration and relaxation after training sessions or competition
  • Ideal application for vitalization in the morning or as a passive warm-up prior
  • to training or competition
  • Helps prevent and treat muscle soreness
  • Reduces lactate levels and increases glycogen levels
  • Releases cramps and prophylactic bracing of muscles (adjusting muscular imbalance, for more effective stretching)
  • Accelerated muscle and bone regeneration
  • Higher levels of oxygen, nutrient supply and higher levels of blood circulation
  • Boosts endurance due to increased oxygen absorption
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Encourages melatonin production and stabilizes the sleep rhythm (counteracts energy deficiency, jet-lag and burn-out syndrome)
  • Supports and accelerates healing of sports injuries (strains, bruises, sprains muscle and tendon tears, dislocations, nerve injuries) 

In every sport a good warm up is the prerequisite for top performance and reduces risk for injuries. At the same time though, it costs the athlete valuable energy. PEMF Therapy warms the muscle tissue and activates metabolism. Therefore, the warm up can be reduced to a minimum, and the saved energy is available for competition itself.

By using PEMF Therapy traumatized tissue and edema get reduced significantly faster. Especially that of the muscles, hardening of the muscle tissue is prevented and/or decreased. This reduces incidents of torn muscles and ligaments, and other related injuries. Due to this increased synthesis of repair proteins a faster healing process is achieved helping prevent sport related disabilities and chronic conditions.

Want to improve your performance? Click Here to entitle a Trial voucher
Read more about how it can helps in other sickness, Click Here

PEMF – The 5th Element Discovered

Yuri Gagari
The Russians Won the Space Race and Yuri Gagarin and His Historic Launch Into Space Lasted a Mere 1 Hour and 48 Minutes As He Circled the Earth Once and Returned.

Being Without the Earth’s Pulsed Magnetic Fields for This Short Time, Yuri Came Back from Space With Depression, Bone Loss, Muscle Degeneration, Decreased Metabolism & Impaired Perception.

Since that Historic Flight, Zero Field Studies (Experiments Done in Chambers Made of Mu Steel – Which Blocks ALL Magnetic Fields of the Earth) Have Confirmed that if Living Cells Do Not Received the Pulsed Magnetic Fields of the Earth, They Die Within HOURS!

"Life is driven by nothing else but electron"

Albert von Szent Gyorgyi
(Nobel Price Winner)

Earth-Based PEMF’s are a Required Element of Health. Just Like Food, Water, Oxygen & Sleep. In Facts You Can Live Longer Without Food and Water Than You Can Without Pulsating Electro-Magnetic Fields!

Summary: PEMF IS the 5th Element of Health. Critical for Life. Without it We Die, With Not Enough We Get Sick. Yuri Gagarin’s Historic 1 Hour 48 Minute Trip Was the First Evidence. 

Why do we need PEMF?

1)          Not Enough of the Good..........
The Earth's Magnetic Field has Declined by 50% over the last 300 years. (We may be in the process of a Pole Shift).

The Average person stays inside 90% or more of the day

We Live & work in concrete buildings and skycrapers that Block Natural PEMF, Walk in rubber soles, Drive in metal cars with rubber tires and fly in metal planes.

2)          Too Much of the Bad............

We are bombared by UNHEALTHY PEMF's of Electosmog from power lines, computers, cell phones, digital clocks, microwaves, TV's, hair dryers, etc. Sub-Molecular ElectronicDistubance (Gyorgi).

Pollution, wrong eating habit and consumption of fast food make our body electricity decreased. Stress and lack of exercise also cause the acidification of the human body, accumulating toxic materials in the body and significantly damaging the health.

Symptoms of decreasing bio-electric 

Find out how newly high tech PEMF machine can help to solve your subhealth problem, Click Here

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


如果你读了“人体生物电的发现”你可能发现一个原理没有电,人就活不下去,也是因为在维持人的健康和生命中,电界起着不可或缺的作用。然而,在现代都市里,用柏油路和混凝土把地表面包装起来,从而妨碍了自然的电界作用。这就需要用人工的方法创造自然电界。 把身体放在这种人工的自然电界上,人体就会变成和经过运动后的状态相同的状态。这是因为它产生对肌肉和细胞的按摩效果,起着促进血液循环、循环系统的正常运行、新陈代谢和细胞复活等作用。 使用这一装置即电位治疗仪,可以预防结核病、特意体质、风湿病、慢性高血压、头痛、肩轴痛、便秘、失眠、糖尿病并发症、中风和痴呆等疾病,对患有因血液问题引起的各种疾病的患者血液循环不正常者带来福音。这种革命性的治疗仪将有助于各种中老年性疾病的预防和治疗。      

电位治疗仪是通过仿生大气自然电场以及多种自然物理因子来对人体进行物理治疗的高科技医疗器械。新型构造电位治疗仪,主要通过高压交变电场、高压负电场、高压中频周波能量场、空气离子流、负离子、臭氧、微电流、中频微电流八种重要物理因子,对人体全身各系统和器官组织进行综合调理,以达到整体康复、消除病痛、健康长寿的目的。     高电位机理:将一般交流电经尖端高科技处理 之后,给予在绝缘状态下的人体以交流电位,使人体周围产生特种电场。人体置于各种高压电场之中,在交变电场的作用下,人体各个部位产生及其细微的振动,人 体组织器官的不平衡得到充分调整,人体内的各个细胞产生与电流周期相适应的配向运动,细胞间的凝聚力趋向缓和,细胞电位提升,体液重的氢离子得到调节,体 液由酸性恢复弱碱性(pH=7.36-7.44),人体固有的自然治愈力机能得到提高。相对特点:电场强度大、能量高、即时效应快。     负电位机理: 通过负电位独特电路的设计, 将一般交流电经尖端高科技处理后,给予处于绝缘状态下的人体以高压负电,使人体周围形成高压静电场。静电场使人体产生静电感应和极化作用,补充人体负电位 能量。对人体细胞而言,如同是一个电容器,细胞内带负电,细胞膜外带正电,而本机是将负电位能量瞬间充满全身产生作用,使体内储存大量负电位能量,用来平 衡对人体有害的正离子,使细胞保持极化电位(-90mV),通透性增强,长期使用体液由酸性恢复弱碱性。 高压静电场打破体内原有的电荷分布状态,发生重新分配。各组织成分:水、电解质、胶体分子等,因电荷的改变在组织、细胞间泳动,产生一系列生物物理、化学 变化,促进组织、器官的生理功能、病理状态发生一定改变,进而增强机体调节功能、适应功能、营养功能、免疫功能和代谢功能。 相对特点:有效补充人体静态生命能量、稳定改善酸性体质及亚健康状态,如同森林浴。 








Electric Fields as cancer treatment

Low-intensity electric fields can disrupt the division of cancer cells and slow the growth of brain tumors, suggest laboratory experiments and a small human trial, raising hopes that electric fields will become a new weapon for stalling the progression of cancer. The research, performed by an international team led by Yoram Palti of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, is explained in the recent issue of Physics Today, the flagship magazine of the American Institute of Physics.

Electric fields as cancer treatment
Alternating electric fields affect tumor cells by (a) slowing their division time from under one hour to more than three hours. The fields also (b,c) disintegrate cells in the later stages of cell division.

Credit: Physics Today, adapted from Kirson et al., Cancer Res. 64, 3288, 2004.

In the studies, the research team uses alternating electric fields that jiggle electrically charged particles in cells back and forth hundreds of thousands of times per second. The electric fields have an intensity of only one or two volts per centimeter. Such low-intensity alternating electric fields were once believed to do nothing significant other than heat cells. However, in several years' worth of experiments, the scientists have shown that the fields disrupt cell division in tumor cells placed on a glass dish (in vitro).

After intensively studying this effect in vitro and in laboratory animals, the scientists started a small human clinical trial to test its cancer-fighting ability. The technique was applied to ten human patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), a form of brain cancer with a very low survival rate. All the patients had their earlier tumors treated by other methods, but the cancer had started to recur in all cases. Fitting the patients with electrodes that applied 200 kHz electric fields to the scalp at regular intervals for up to 18 hours per day, the scientists found that the brain tumors progressed to advanced stages much slower than usual (taking a median time of 26 weeks), and sometimes even regressed. The patients also lived considerably longer, with a median survival time of 62 weeks. While no control group existed, the results compared favorably to historical data for recurrent GBM, in which the time for tumor progression is approximately 10 weeks and the typical survival time is 30 weeks. In addition, 3 of the 10 patients were still alive two years after the electrode treatment started. These results were announced in a recent issue of The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Kirson et al., PNAS 104, 10152-10157, June 12, 2007).........

- Archives Of Health News Blog From Medicineworld.Org


地球与大气电离层构成一个巨大的静电场----自然电场,它是人类赖以生存的重要环境,人类各种生理现 象都与这个静电场息息相关。其中电离层对地面电压高达360KV,地面附近电场强度约130V/m,电场方向垂直指向地面。它使人体头、脚之间呈现一至二 百伏的电势差,空气中的电荷通过人体流向大地。   所以,人类的健康和寿命同样取决于人体带电量的多少,健康者应拥有80%的负电和20%的正电,即阴阳平衡。   在静息的活细胞中,细胞内电位恒为负(-),细胞外电位为正(+),人类细胞静息电位约为-90mv(毫伏特)。人体是由成千上万个带电细胞组成的天 然生物电池。每个细胞相当于电容器,存有正电和负电(内负外正),称为细胞膜电位。这种电是生命的源泉,生命力的象征,即人体生物电。假如儿童储有6V 电,按比例而言,中年人应储3V电,老年人储有2V电,体弱多病者储电量将更低。人体生物电消失,生命也就宣告结束。     1752年富兰克林在雷雨交加中,通过放绢制的风筝,将雷电收集至莱顿瓶内从而证明了雷的正体是电,并 以此来治疗自己的痛风。同时富兰克林研究指出:在地球与宇宙的空间内,存在着一种特殊环境自然电场。这是电位疗法的雏形,之后,他改装德国的摩擦 电机,接上性能良好的发电机,将人体置于此电场内,对风湿病、痛风以及各种神经性疼痛等疾病均有很好的治疗效果,便从此展开电位疗法方面的研究,迄今已经 200多年的历史了。     1758年古罗马的书中记载了2000多年前风行一时的用大黑鱼治病的方法,卡文迪许设法弄到这种大黑 鱼,把它埋在潮湿的沙滩里。然后,他在这条鱼上面接上一个莱顿瓶。果然,莱顿瓶冒出了火花! 就这样,卡文迪许第一个用科学的方法证明了生物电的存在。1791年意大利生物学家伽伐尼在解剖试验中,发现青蛙体内也蕴藏有电能,正式提出了生物电的概念。他主张是生物本身內都存在自发电流,被认为是提出了原电池的雏形。生物体带电现象的发现,给电位疗法提供了有力的理论依据。此外,生物电的发现也 为人类揭开神经传导的奥秘做出了积极的贡献。     

Monday, May 21, 2012

World Recognition Certificate

Sirim Test Report

United Kingdom CE0120 Approval
As Electric Neuromuscular Stimulator

US FDA Approval as Neurology Equipment

Korea FDA Approval for Sales to Public

Japan Ministry of Health Approval

China Recognize to Improve Blood Circulation

Taiwan Recognize to be Effective for
Relieving Pain, Headaches & Constipation

ISO13485 Quality Management

ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System

Award - The Best Health Care Instrument Chain Store 2011
Award - Outstanding Greenery Excellent Award 2011


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