How it works?

Pulsating electromagnetic fields (PEMF) can be a blessing and a curse to human life. They definitely have a large influence on all forms of life on earth.

There are more than 10,000 scientific publications plus numerous books written about the effects of electromagnetic fields on the human body. More than 1,000 dissertations have been written about the subject and more than 300 Professors are doing research in this wide field of science, which includes Biology, Physiology, Biophysics, Genetic Science and Medicine. In the last few years it has become evident that electromagnetic fields can be used for many therapeutic applications. Systems have been developed on the basis of scientific research, which use electromagnetic fields to stimulate the body’s own biological energy production. This inductive stimulation of the body’s own energy has become a new medical specialty resulting in the term “Energy Medicine”. Energy Medicine explains many phenomena, like the effect of the psyche on our health, as well as healing through the mind or even spontaneous healing. Past literature was written by specialists for other specialists and for a small groups of interested physicians. Most doctors know little about these alternative medical therapies due to a lack of communication between biologists, physicists and medical personnel. Energy Medicine is however an important component in Russian space medicine. Eastern Europe is the centre of scientific research and wide spread medical application of this modern therapy. In one institute in Sofia, Bulgaria alone there have been more than 100,000 successful treatments carried out during 1993 – 1996.

Following a period of close scrutiny by traditional medicine, many progressive doctors now using PEMF therapy, which has been developed by modern medical technology using sophisticated computer supported systems. The individual person has the largest advantage from using PEMF. It allows many people to take the initiative and be more responsive in preventing a health crisis. It is best to use PEMF on a regular basis, as prevention before any disease occurs. 

How the PEMF has Power of Natural Healing
Due to the lack of negative ion supply, people over the age of 30 tend to suffer from poor blood curculation which can cause high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and arthritis etc. As a result, blood vessels become damaged and narrower from waste products of poor blood circulation.

Negative ions change dirty and acidified blood to pure alkalifies blood, resulting in better blood circulation. These ions help get rid of free radicals that can cause severe non-curable illnesses, restore immune antibody cells, enhance the functions of the heart and lungs, improve the autonomous nerve sytem, alleviate pain, and treat many diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia, arthritis, stomach problems and allergies. 

On the average, each of our cells contain 500 to 2000 little 'factories' called mitochondria that are responsible for supplying energy to accommodate our daily needs. This creates ATP energy. eLife™ can increase the elctrical potential of cells where the mitochondria live thus revitalize our body.  

What is the Ion Effect?
By passing thousand of volts of electricity through a fixed insulator indirectly, a thick layer of negative ions is formed around the conductor, thus affecting the minerals in the blood. This action normalizes the blood through a process called 'pH buffering'. 

What is pH Buffering?
Protiens, fats, carbohydrates and other types of nourishment get absorbed inside the body and turn into acids. These acids would badly damage the arteries and internal organs. Therefore, it is important to regulate the blood pH level to keep it in an alkaline state through 'pH buffering'

An acidified blood pH causes the erythrocytes to pile-up and reduces the surface of the free membrane. This will hinder the oxygen delivery and the flow of the cells in the micro vessels (capilaries) 

However, with the right physiological pH of 7-35-7.43, the cell are seperated, the free membrane's surface increased, boosting the oxygen exchange. 

PEMF improves 8 main systems: 

1. The Nervous System 
For people suffering from imbalances of the autonomous nervous system, headaches, insomnia, stress and constipation, Negative Potential energy can increase the negative ions in the cellular membrane, improve blood vessel flow and enhance parasympathetic functions. 

2. The circulatory System
Almost 80% of illnesses that exist in the human body can be attributed to the circulatory system. "good maintanance of the heart and circulatory system can prolong life and keep away diseases". The Negative Potential, as a result from the therapy through using eLife™, removes acid sediments, impurities, triglycerides, and cholesteral that stick to the wall of blood vessels and cells. As such, the flow within the circulatory system will improve. 

3. The Digestive System
Mitochondria, which is responsible for producing the cell's energy and exist in abundance in muscular cells. PEMF can increase the elctrical potential of cells through the Mitochondria. Its functions include softening hard excrement, stimulating intestines to increase bowel movements and eliminating constipation. 

When PEMF reqactivates enzymes in the intestines, it helps prevent the loss of nutrients your body needs and improve metabolism. 

4. Urinary System
Negative Potential initiates the detoxificatino process, increases digestion, improve bowel movement and urine function. The restoration of enzymens helps reduce the workload of the kidneys and liver. 

5. The Immune System
'C Reactive Proteins' are responsible for the immune function and the reduction of imflammation. The 'C Reactive Proteins' in the blood become active when there's Negative Potential energy. When the 'C Reactive Proteins' are reactivated, the immune system improves. It will help improve on immune system-related problems including stress, asthma, eczema, allergies, and etc. 

6. The Skeletal System
Unfortunately for some people, their body does not absorb enough calcium or loses calcium ions, which can result in osteoporosis. PEMF works through the action of Negative Potential energy where it increases the ability to cellular membranes to improve the exchange of ions. This exchange balances the ions in the inside and outside of the cells, and preserves the calcium ions in the bones. The higher bone matrix will help overcome osteoporosis. 

7. The Adipose Tissue
PEMF accelerates the process of fat burning by increasing the metabolic rate. It can strenthen the skin  and firm the figure of the face, resulting in weight loss through the reduction of fat under the skin. 

8. The Skin System
The high frequency electrical wave massages cells 70,000 times per second to help the skin recover its elasticity. The Negative Potential also helps balance the blood's pH and accelerates the process of detoxification, making the skin appear and feel healthy. it stimulates fibroblast which produces extracellular matrix and collagen that responsible for the elasticity of the skin.

Read More:
How PEMF can help in Cancer?

電位療法--是現今唯一可同時輸出「負離子」及「共振」的先進科技理療,令血液中的鈣及鈣離子的總量增加,血液中的PH值 (酸鹼度)會恢復到弱鹼性的狀態,從而提高人體的綜合機能,有效改善各種慢性疾病。



1.循環系統--> 人体内将近80%的病源来自循环系统。“心脏和循环系统的良好保养能延长寿命并将疾病拒之门外。”通过使用



  高电位治疗仪的显着疗效之一,就是极大的改善了血液中的胆固醇和甘油三脂,提高了高密度脂蛋白 度。血液和体液中的电解质,在高强度多频电场的作用下,正负离子不断地快速移动和振荡,运动中磨擦,碰撞所形成的热效应,产生了巨大的能量消耗,由此所引 起的生物学效应,作用于血液、血管壁、粥样硬化斑块内部,从多方面加快了粥样硬化斑块的分解、消退、转化吸收和排泄,并使损伤的血管表面得到很好的修复。


  高电位治疗仪高强度多频电场和低能量交变磁场的电磁能量深入人体内,由此产生热效应、微振动效 应和生物效应,这些效应的共同作用可明显改善血液和体液的微循环,使机体的生理生化反应加快,从而使全身的血管性能增强,弹性得到了逐步恢复,毛细血管和 动脉血管得到有效扩张,使血液流动阻力减少,循环流畅,因此可有效降低高血压,使血压恢复正常。

  高电位治疗仪在降低高血压,改善血液循环的同时,还表现出对脑部供血的极大改善作用。仪器在身 体内所产生的热量和微振动效应,使植物神经系统的功能得到了很好的调节,这两方面因素共同作用,极大地促进和加快了损伤的脑细胞自我修复过程。对神经系统 的调节作用,还体现在可使大脑皮层的抑制兴奋恢复平衡;低能量交变磁场在体内所产生的生物电流,可表现出对于血凝块的软化和吸收,组织中的水肿,炎症进行 消炎消肿、止痛等多种作用,这些特性,对脑梗塞及后遗症、脑外伤综合症、植物神经功能紊乱等多种病症的康复和治疗有着很好的疗效。

   三磷酸腺苷(ATP)几乎是生物组织细胞能够直接利用的唯一资源,在糖、脂类及蛋白质等物质氧化分解中释放出的能量,相当大的一部分能使ADP磷酸转化 成为ATP,从而把能量直接保存在ATP分子内。ATP为一游离核苷酸,由腺嘌呤、核糖和三分子磷酸构成,是由细胞内ATP的酵素合成,无法由外界供应, 人体内ATP合成终止,人便会立即残废。ATP的功能之一是促进细胞内外离子平衡,可使细胞内多余的钠离子、钙离子移至血液中,这两种离子称为碱性离子, 因此,可使血液呈弱碱性。相反的,又能使血液中的钾离子、镁离子加到细胞内,故能调节细胞内外离子平衡。血液一旦酸化后,胆固醇代谢就会异常,并粘在血管 壁上,导致动脉硬化,这是一般常识。

2.神經系統--> 对患有自律神经系统失调,头痛,失眠,压力和便秘症状者来说,负电位可增加其细胞膜内的负离子,改善血管流通度,加强副交感神经功能。



自律神经分为交感神经与副交感神经,前者是掌控白天活动的消费神经,相对的,后者是使身体放松,提高内脏功能的夜间神经。现代人因美食,酸性食物摄入过 多及运动不足而使血液呈酸性化,容易疲劳,呈酸性体质,易倍感压力。如此恶性循环下去血液更加酸性化,身心越来越失调,若施加负离子,可将感受(刺激)转 换为电气能源(神经脉动)而传至脑中枢的情报系统,从而使自律神经得到调整。


3.消化系統--> 肌肉细胞里存在着大量的线粒体,它们负责产生细胞的能量。 eLife™ 能通过线粒体来提高细胞的电位。其功能包括软化硬的排泄物,刺激肠胃蠕动及解决便秘问题。当eLife™重新激活肠里的酶,它就能帮助人体避免所需养份的流失,同时改善新陈代谢。


如何促进消化系统正常呢?因为细胞ATP酶之合成在腺粒体,而身体中腺粒体:1、在肝最多:使用高电位治疗仪一、二星期后会很喜欢睡觉,肝酶增强,解毒 功能也增强,自然排毒系统启动青春痘等皆为正常,但一小段时间后即终止(正常)了。2、在肌肉细胞处:会增强肌肉之细胞,较瘦的人会增加适当体重,该丰满 的地方也会丰满即此理。3、在神经系统的地方:神经系统正常,自然血液畅通,也就不会脑神经衰弱或神经痛。另外,高电位治疗仪通过促进消化系统正常化、改 善消化道功能、增强胃肠蠕动,达到恢复结肠畅通、消除便秘的效果。


4.骨骼系統-->电位疗法 通过负电位能量产生其效用,也就是通过提高细胞膜的能力来改善离子的交换。这项交换使细胞内外的离子量达致平衡,维持保护骨骼里的钙离子量并避免使其流失。较高的骨基质有助于克服骨质疏松症。






人体免疫的中心是肝部和肠部,现代人的肝肠功能渐渐地变低。通过负离子的作用,可以强化肝肠免疫作用,从而实现健康生活。交变电场将刺激体表感受器,使微量的电源能介入神经,最后传入植物系统和内分泌系统的调节中枢----下丘脑,使其重新获得活力。交变电场调节人体无机离子和有机离子按正常值分布,恢复机体内环境恒定,提升人体自然治愈力。电位疗法可以修复神经细胞的电位、减小电阻  保持神经系统电信号传递流畅,因此能促进相关组织病痛的康复恢复大脑皮层对植物神经系统正常的调节功能,对植物神经紊乱引起的各种疾患有显著的改善  对亚健康。神经性头痛、失眠,老年痴呆症等有确切疗效。





7. 脂肪系统 -->电位疗法 通过新陈代谢率来加速脂肪的燃烧。它能强化肌肤,紧实脸部轮廓,通过减少皮下脂肪来达到瘦身目的。




为何会有塑身效果呢?因为高电位治疗仪系采用高压负离子输入,再加上高频振动,二种功能共同作用会使全身皮下组织提高2°C,根据医学研究,每升高皮下 组织温度1°C,身体之细胞的新陈代谢率约增加13%,增高2°C就增加26%,(以2°C最适宜,增加太高身体会受不了,故发烧的人不宜使用)。故新陈 代谢增高约1/4强,多余的脂肪被分解掉,瘦的人所增加细胞在肌肉,故不会虚胖,则该瘦的瘦,该胖的胖。当然细胞活化后,皮肤自然漂亮(老人斑皆可消 除),所以说有塑身美容的效果。很多的病患如:洗肾者、黑脸、尿酸、牙周病、心脏病、乳癌者,都在1-2个月当中获得极大的改善。


活化細胞--> 人體由60億兆細胞組成。細胞活性化可預防癌症、改善糖尿病、肝腎功能、疲倦、器官老化等,延緩衰老。


在细胞的内外,充满了离子,外侧是正离子多,内侧是负离子多。这些离子与细胞的新陈代谢活动有着密切的关系。将这些离子的作用称为"生物活动单位"。例 如心脏细胞的活动电位可以通过心电图得以体现。细胞从静止状态向活动状态进行移动时,正离子和负离子就会进行不停地交换活动。这种状态称为离极化。主要是 负离子所起到的作用。所以说细胞的活性化和负离子有密切的关系。
  高电位治疗仪通过增加Na离子和Ca离子,可以消除精神上压力,使所产生的酸度得以中和。它的 作用,使负离子和氢氧离子(OHˉ 的浓度增高。氢氧离子(OHˉ 的浓度增高,就意味着变成碱性。不用费力地锻炼身体而能够使血液变成弱碱性,从而因为精神上的压力而忧心忡忡的每一天,都会变得越来越充实和舒适。







Disclaimer: Please note that these pages are for general information purposes, to give you an idea of the scope of PEMF, how PEMF works, what PEMF research studies show about its general effects, and the wide range of health issues that have been helped by PEMF. These PEMF studies, and explanations of how PEMF works, should not be interpreted as proof that anyone other than the study participants would receive the same reported benefits. Rather it is provided as a source of inspiration to you in how PEMF might help you improve your own health.
Some PEMF systems are used in a medical setting, and our products are listed and regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but our products are intended for use at home in promoting general wellness. Our PEMF systems are therefore not intended for use in the diagnosis of specific diseases or medical conditions, or in their cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention. The information about PEMF contained in these pages is not in any way intended to help you diagnose a medical condition, or to replace the advice and/or services of a physician or other health care professional.
If you suspect that you have a medical condition, you should first seek a diagnosis from a doctor, and, if you decide to try PEMF, work under their supervision in assessing the progress of the condition and the dosage of any drugs you may be taking. If you become a user of PEMF technology, you should regularly consult a physician in all matters relating to your health, particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require further diagnosis or medical attention. The opinions and information on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA or the U.K. Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). They should not be considered complete in terms of the physical conditions discussed, or construed as healthcare advice.

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