Thursday, July 28, 2011

Did u know - Try to Lose Weight, But can't See the Result - Part II

Myth #11 Protein is the Most Important Nutrient for Athletes
Rosenbloom recommands that after weight training, athletes consume a little bit of protein - about 8 grams, the amount in a small carton of low-fat chocolate milk - help their muscle rebuild.

Myth #12 Low Fat Milk has Less Calcium than Full-fat Milk
Skimmed and semi-skimmed milk actually have more calcium, says dietician, Alison Silivan, because the calcium is in the watery part, not the creamy part. If u're trying to lose weight and cut fat from ur diet, skimmed milk is ur best bet because it's lower in fat and has 10mg more calcium per 200ml milk than full fat.

Myth #13 Cholestrol is Bad for U
We need blood cholesterol because it's used to build cells and make vital hormones. sarurated fat found in cheese, cream, meat, precessed pastries tend to low density lipoprotein(LDL) cholesterol, known as 'bad' cholesterol, which delivers cholesterol to the arteries. High density lipoprotein(HDL), or 'good' cholesterol which delivers cholesterol away fromthe arteries to the liver.Myth #14 A Slow Metabolism Prevents Weight Loss
Studies shown that resting metabolism - the number number of calories, used by the bodyat rest - increase as people become fatter. In other words, the longer u are, the more calories u need to keep ur body going and the higherur metabolism. Weight gain occurs when the number of calories eaten is greater than the number used up by the body.
Myth #15 Low Fat Foods Help U Lose Weight
'Low-fat' or 'fat-free' doesn't necessary mean low calorie or calorie-free. Check the calorie contain of food, esp cakes, buscuit, crisp, ice-cream, and ready meals.

Myths #16 Vegetarians Food can't Build Muscle
Vegetarians can be as muscular as meat eaters by gerring their protein from vegetable source such as cheese, nuts, pulses, and grains. You need protein to build muscle, but too much can lead to long-term side effect. The body can store certain amount of protein, so too much can damage the kidney. The department of ehalth recommand that 50% of energy should come from carb, 35% energy come from fat and the remaining 15% from protein.

Myth #17 U always Gain Weight when U Stop Smoking
It's far healthier to be an overweight non-smoker than not bother giving up because u think u'll put on weight. Alison Siullivan says :'Where people tend to fall down is when they replace a cigarette with comfort food. Chewing sugar-free gum or snacking on vegetable strips kept in the fridge is a good idea because u have these instead of reaching for the buscuit tin.'

Myth #18 Don't WeightUrself

U really need to weigh urself to keep ur weigh in check. But don't weight urself more than once a day. Weighing urself shouldn't be seen as punishment. It's just a way to keep an eye on ur weight.

Myth #19
Cut out Dessert

Deprevation is the downfall of all dessert. You can have a small portion of dessert to satisfy ur diet. But don't overindulge. Make a good choice of what u include in ur diet.

Myth 20 Just Exercise and don't Worry about Dieting
You probably won't be to work out enough to make up for a eating a huge meal. Exercise just does not burn enough calories. If u eat a slice of apple pie that is 500 calories, u'll have to walk briskly for 2 hours to burn these calories. SO, u won't lose weight unless u cut ur calories.

Did u know?
eLife energize all 80 trillion cells in our body and assist in speeding up the metabolism. Our cells operate like tiny generated batteries. A cell that is strong operates between 50-70 Millivolts. A cell under 40 Millivolts starts to become fatigued. Over time these low energy cells start to stack up like coins, slowing down the metabolism. Weight loss is more difficult, at the same time weight gain becomes easier. Thus, weight loss can be accelerated with eLife therapy.

To understand more, please visit us at

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